Redundancy & Restructuring

All businesses go through periods of critical change. Whether it’s the need to change the working patterns of a particular employee or team, or a large-scale restructuring and redundancy exercise, the manner in which you undertake that process will affect not only the morale and productivity of the staff involved, but also your exposure to potential employment claims.

If twenty or more staff are affected at a particular establishment, you also need to be aware of the enhanced legal obligations to elect staff representatives for the purposes of collective consultation.

TJD Law can assist with:

  • Implementing new terms and conditions of employment
  • Advice on the exercise of contractual powers such as mobility clauses and variation clauses
  • Support with staff consultation
  • Guidance on redundancy situations and procedure
  • Examining the possible application of TUPE and the implications
  • Advice on collective consultation obligations and the election of employee representatives

Contact us today to discuss your legal needs

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